
Department of Science (B.Sc (PCM+Computer))

The Department of Science at Laxmipati college is committed to science, education and training both as a major disciplines of study and as a crucial part of a progressive and holistic education. For the purpose of pursuing careers, research and other technical endeavors in which a background in Science is a pre-requisite,We provides well structured dedicated graduate programs.


Department of Physical Science has three main divisions-Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics. The mission of the undergraduate program is to provide students with foundational knowledge in the discipline of Chemistry, Physics and Mathematics from fundamental and practical approach. Advanced hi-tech infra and sophisticated & latest instruments offer not only interesting learning facilities but also cutting -edge research activities.

The aim of the Physics Division is to provide vibrant and interactive plat form to students for understanding the physical world through observational, theoretical and experimental methods and to exercise quantitative, qualitative and combined methodologies to address problems in the fields of science and technology. In pursuit of these goals, the Department facilities students with excellent learning environment in terms of experienced faculty, state of the art labs, research tools & equipment infrastructure and facilities in Physics. The Division coordinates objectives in research, teaching, and infrastructure.


Chemistry is about the nature of matter and the Chemistry Division is very well geared up to explain to the students the complex problems of the real world in chemical terms. The Chemistry Division has an excellent teaching -learning environment and labs to play a key role to enrich the students for the deeper understanding of Chemistry and apply them in real life scenario. The curriculum in Chemistry is so well designed that it gives basic concepts effectively, gen up with theoretical knowledge and provides hands on experience. There are compulsory skill courses, industrial visits, seminars and activities to provide holistic development and improve their employability.


Mathematics Division has very qualified and experienced teachers who are competent to make learning of mathematics simple, enjoyable and interesting. There is great demand for good Mathematician these days. Mathematics Division of Laxmipati College fulfils this demand with quality mathematicians.