Rules and Regulations
- On admission to any course of study, every student submits himself/herself to disciplinary jurisdiction of the management of the Institute, the In charge and other officers of the institute.
- Who may be vested with the authority to exercise discipline under AICT act and ordinance, Rules and Regulations that have been or will be framed by the institute.
- The students are advised to keep themselves aware of the Institute rules. They are also advised to go through detailed Hostel rules and Prevention of Ragging rules given separately. Ignorance of rules shall not be an excuse for violation.
- Each student shall conduct herself/himself, both within and outside the campus of the Institute in a manner befitting a student of a prestigious institute. Each student shall show due respect and courtesy to the teachers, administrators, staff of the Institute, and to the visitors and residents of the Institute, and good behavior to fellow students.
- Lack of courtesy and decorum; unbecoming conduct within and outside the Institute; willful damage to Institute property, removal of any property belonging to the Institute, fellow students or other personnel and residents of the Institute; use of abusive and offensive language: disturbing fellow students in their studies; breach of rules and regulations of the Institute; adoption of unfair practices in tests, quizzes, assignments, or examinations; noisy and unruly behavior shall constitute violation of the code of conduct.
- Loud talking, loitering or congregating, being a source of distraction and annoyance to others is not permitted.
- Students are required to be dressed neatly and decently.
- Late arrival and early departure at or from a class are recorded as absence from the class.
- Students are not allowed to leave the institute during working hours without the written permission of the Principal.
- Students will not operate any machinery / equipment without the permission of the instructor.
- No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
- No responsibility will be accepted by the institute for any injury, loss or damage to the personal articles of students.
- It is compulsory for the students to attend functions /activities organized by the institute on various occasions like Independence Day, Republic Day, Annual Day, etc whether the function falls on a working day or on holidays. Absence from such functions without valid reasons will invite disciplinary action.