Chairman's Message
I am pleased to see that LGI, Bhopal, the foundation stone of which had been laid down by me only a few years ago, has now been turned into a ‘RISING SUN’ of knowledge and success. Since its inception itself, LGI, Bhopal has always been emphatic on the creation of an ambience which is propitious for learning in terms of quality of its infrastructure, academics and research. LGI, Bhopal, due to its innovationism, dynamism and persistence for seeking and adopting innovative methods to improve the quality of higher education, has now established itself as one of the leading Engineering College in the Capital of Madhya Pradesh.
Today with a deep sense of satisfaction, we acknowledge that, “There is no alternative to hard work and dedication. At this institute, we not only give our students the best, but also make sustained efforts to inculcate in them a tough mindset that is determined and passionate for success and that too while at the same time maintaining focus on social responsiveness.
With Warm Wishes,
Shri O.P. Bansal
Laxmipati Group of Institutions